This endpoint returns a series of data, matching the requested series, chosen options, and date range. Plant series are not supported by this endpoint, and data is capped to one week.
You can visualise various Enact series on Enact's dashboard page.
Using the LCPDelta Python Package
Note that this helper function is only available in LCPDelta 1.1.8 and above.
from lcp_delta import enact
from datetime import date
enact_api_helper = enact.APIHelper(username, public_api_key)
# see 'BODY PARAMS' section below for details on corresponding parameter values
response_dataframe = enact_api_helper.get_series_multi_option(
option_id=["Coal", "Wind"], # a list of the desired options as strings (can be left blank to return data for all options)
parse_datetimes=True # optionally parse dates as datetimes and index by them (ascending)
Asynchronous (package version 1.3.0 and above)
from lcp_delta import enact
from datetime import date
import asyncio
async def main():
enact_api_helper = enact.APIHelper(username, public_api_key)
# see 'BODY PARAMS' section below for details on corresponding parameter values
response_dataframe = await enact_api_helper.get_series_multi_option_async(
option_id=["Coal", "Wind"], # a list of the desired options as strings (can be left blank to return data for all options)
parse_datetimes=True # optionally parse dates as datetimes and index by them (ascending)
Using the API Directly
The response object is a dictionary of data keyed by column header with lists of data values. The first key-value pair will always be the datetime values for the requested date range.
To request data for a single day, set the from and to fields in the request body equal to each other.
The response object holds all data for the requested series. The headers will be of the form 'CountryId&SeriesId&OptionId'.