This endpoint returns the Leaderboard for the specified date range (see Enact's leaderboard page).
To request data for a single day, set the from and to fields of the request body equal to each other.
Using the LCPDelta Python Package (version 2.0.0 and later)
from lcp_delta import enact
from datetime import date
enact_api_helper = enact.APIHelper(username, public_api_key)
# see 'BODY PARAMS' section below for details on corresponding parameter values
response_dataframe = enact_api_helper.get_leaderboard_data(
"Plant", # leaderboard type ("Plant", "Owner" or "Optimiser")
"Pound", # revenue metric
"WeightedAverageDayAheadPrice", # market price assumption
"DayAheadForward", # gas price assumption
False, # whether to include capacity market revenues,
"FrequencyAndReserve", # aggregate option for ancillary profits ("FrequencyAndReserve", "ByProduct", "ByDirection")
False, # whether to group DC, DR, and DL profits will be grouped into "Dx"
None, # aggregation option ("Day", "Week", "Month"), defaults to None
False, # whether to show fuel types of co-located assets
False, # Whether the availability of the plant is taken into account when normalising the revenues
from lcp_delta import enact
from datetime import date
import asyncio
async def main():
enact_api_helper = enact.APIHelper(username, public_api_key)
# see 'BODY PARAMS' section below for details on corresponding parameter values
response_dataframe = await enact_api_helper.get_leaderboard_data_async(
"Plant", # leaderboard type ("Plant", "Owner" or "Optimiser")
"Pound", # revenue metric
"WeightedAverageDayAheadPrice", # market price assumption
"DayAheadForward", # gas price assumption
False, # whether to include capacity market revenues,
"FrequencyAndReserve", # aggregate option for ancillary profits ("FrequencyAndReserve", "ByProduct", "ByDirection")
False, # whether to group DC, DR, and DL profits will be grouped into "Dx"
None, # aggregation option ("Day", "Week", "Month"), defaults to None
False, # whether to show fuel types of co-located assets
False, # Whether the availability of the plant is taken into account when normalising the revenues