This endpoint uses your Enact or FLEXtrack API account credentials to retrieve a temporary bearer token.
The token grants access to the API your account is subscribed to, and allows you to use the 'Try It' console for other endpoints on this documentation site. You can retrieve your Bearer Token as follows:
Enter your Enact API username and public key into the request body box below these instructions.
Hit 'Try It!' in the console on the right hand side of this page.
If the request was successful, the response underneath the console will contain your bearer token. Copy the entire token.
On other endpoints in this API reference, paste the bearer token into the authorisation box (just above the console on the right) in order to use the endpoints from this documentation site. The authorisation box looks like this:
This token should then auto-populate on every subsequent API endpoint you visit on this site in your browser session. Remember that these tokens are only valid for 8 hours, so you will need to repeat the above steps after that time has passed.